Symptom: we get connection properly and we can browse web site, but suddenly the connection disconnected automatically, needs PC restart to get connection and it occurs frequently.
Solution: To solve this problem we need follow three stages,
Stage 1: Disable auto windows update from control panel,
Click Start > Settings> Control panel> Administrator tools> Services and disable Windows Update service (Auto Update mentioned in Windows Xp).
Double click on Windows Update (Auto Update in Windows Xp) service and select Disable in Startup type and click Apply button.
Stage 2: Enable windows Firewall.
Click Start> Control Panel> Windows Fire wall> Turn Windows Firewall on or off
Select Turn on Windows Firewall.
Stage 3: Need to edit regedit of windows,
First Stage: Click Start> Run and type regedit
(+) System
(+) CurrentControlSet
(+) Services
(+) NetBT (Double Click) > Parameters > TransportBinaryName> Delete the value (\Device\) then click Ok
Second Stage: Click Start> Run and type regedit
(+) Software
(+) Microsoft
(+) Ole (Double Click) Change the value of EnableDCOM from Y to value N