When-ever, where-ever you want to get online to access the internet, Grameenphone has got the coverage & right solutions that will suit you. Whether you are searching for information or looking for entertainment & social networking on your phone or a laptop/personal computer we have the right packages & devices to cater to your needs.
Grameenphone internet is another step towards fulfilling this goal. With this step, Grameenphone so far brought Internet to people in the following ways:
1) Desktop and Laptop browsing: by using the mobile as modem or by internet modem
2) Mobile screen browsing: WAP/internet browsing on the mobile
Grameenphone has introduced a new generation high-speed Internet modem capable of supporting GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA. This is a multi-mode wireless terminal with which you can browse Internet, send/receive messages/emails and use voice services without requiring wired connections.
Internet Packages
Package | Subscriber Type | Features | SMS Activation Code (5000 Port) | USSD Activation Code | Usage and Validity Check | After expiration of validity period | Autorenewal feature |
P1 (Minipack Pay Per Use) | Only Prepaid | Daily Maximum BDT 20 Unlimited Package with Fair Usage Policy | P1, PAYG | *500*1# | *500*60# | N/A | N/A |
P1 (Pay as you Go) | Only Postpaid | Pay As You go | P1, PAYG | *500*1# | *500*60# | N/A | N/A |
Package P2 (FUP Enforced after 5GB) * | Both Prepaid & Postpaid | Monthly Heavy Browsing Package with Fair Usage Policy | P2, Unlimited, U | *500*2*1# | *500*60# | Successful auto renewal if subscriber has sufficient balance, otherwise deactivation of package | Yes |
Package P3 (FUP Enforced after 5GB) * | Both Prepaid & Postpaid | Monthly Night Time Heavy Browsing Package with Fair Usage Policy (from 12am till 10am) | P3, Night, NU | *500*3*1# | *500*60# | Successful auto renewal if subscriber has sufficient balance, otherwise deactivation of package | Yes |
P4 (Daily) | Prepaid | Daily 150MB Package | P4, 150MB | *500*4*1# | *500*60# | Deactivation of package. | No |
P5 (3GB) | Both Prepaid & Postpaid | 3GB Volume Based Package for 30 Days | P5, 3GB | *500*5*1# | *500*60# | Successful auto renewal if subscriber has sufficient balance, otherwise deactivation of package | Yes |
P6 (1GB) | Both Prepaid & Postpaid | 1GB Volume Based Package for 30 Days | P6, 1GB | *500*6*1# | *500*60# | Successful auto renewal if subscriber has sufficient balance, otherwise deactivation of package. | Yes |
Minipack 15MB | Both Prepaid & Postpaid | 15MB Volume Based package for 15 Days | P7, 15MB, 15 | *500*7*1# | *500*60# | Successful auto renewal if subscriber has sufficient balance, otherwise deactivation of package | Yes |
Minipack 99MB | Both Prepaid & Postpaid | 99MB Volume Based package for 15 Days | P9, 99MB, 99 | *500*9*1# | *500*60# | Successful auto renewal if subscriber has sufficient balance, otherwise deactivation of package | Yes |
Minipack 3MB | Only Prepaid | 3MB Volume and 3MMS bundled for 3 Days | P10, Sachet, 3, 3MB | *500*10*1# | *500*60# | Edge will be deactivated after 3MB Volume Expiration | No |
Minipack 1MB | Only Prepaid | 1MB Volume and 20MMS bundled for 2 Days | 1, Easy, P11, 1MB | *500*11*1# | *500*60# | Edge will be deactivated after 1MB Volume Expiration | No |
How to activate the plan
Package | Package Tariff without VAT | Browsing Charge | Fair Usage Policy |
P1 (Minipack Pay Per Use) | not more than BDT 20/Day | Tk0.02/KB up to a maximum of Tk20/Day, between 12am-11.59pm daily | After 10MB Usage |
P1 (Pay as you Go) | N/A | BDT 0.02/KB | N/A |
Heavy Internet browsing Package P2 (FUP Enforced after 5GB) | BDT 850/Month | N/A | After 5GB Usage |
Night Time Heavy Internet browsing Package P3 (FUP Enforced after 5GB) | BDT 250/Month | from 10:01AM-11:59PM, browsing charge will be pay-as-you-go tariff Tk 0.02/KB | After 5GB Usage |
Daily 150MB Package P4(Daily) | BDT 60/Day | N/A | After 150MB |
3GB Package P5 (3GB) | BDT 700/Month | After expiration of 3 GB, subscriber will be charged as BDT 0.01/10KB without VAT | N/A |
1GB Package P6 (1GB) | BDT 300/Month | After expiration of 1 GB, subscriber will be charged as BDT 0.01/10KB without VAT | N/A |
Minipack 15MB | BDT 29/15 Days |
After expiration of 15MB, subscriber will be charged as BDT 0.01/10KB without VAT
| N/A |
Minipack 99MB | BDT 99/15 Days | After expiration of 99MB, subscriber will be charged as BDT 0.01/10KB without VAT | N/A |
Minipack 3MB | BDT 9 for 3 Days | Edge will be deactivated after volume consumption of 3MB | N/A |
Minipack 1MB | BDT 2.50 for 2 Days | Edge will be deactivated after volume consumption of 1MB | N/A |
How much need to pay
APN and IP Configuration
Wright ALL and send it to to 8080 .
Save the all reply SMS with PIN 1234 . Some handsets do not support SMS-based settings which need to be configured through manual settings.
Manual WAP Settings:
Profile/Settings Name = GP-WAP
APN (Access Point Name) = gpwap
WAP Gateway (Proxy) IP =
WAP Gateway (Proxy) Port = 8080
WAP Homepage = http://wap.gpworld.com/
Data Bearer = GPRS
Manual MMS Settings:
Profile/Settings Name = GP-MMS
APN (Access Point Name) = gpmms
Gateway (Proxy) IP =
Gateway (Proxy) Port = 8080
Relay Server URL = http://mms.gpsurf.net/servlets/mms
Data Bearer = GPRS
Manual Internet Settings:
Profile/Settings Name = GP-INTERNET
APN (Access Point Name) = gpinternet